Monday, July 20, 2009

Natural support for your adrenals

Your adrenals are tiny glands that sit atop your kidneys. They are responsible for your "flight" or "fight" instinct. When you are under prolonged stress, your adrenals keep pumping out cortisol and adrenaline. If they continue that process for too long they become depleted and then your immune system, and possibly your thyroid becomes compromised. Hence it is important to take care of these little glands!


One of the best ways to care for your adrenals is to get proper rest. Try going to bed at the same time every night, and your adrenals will thank you.


Adrenal glands help to regulate blood sugar levels, so reducing the amount of sugar and simple carbs will reduce the amount of stress you put on your glands. Caffeine also compromises your adrenals so it is wise to cut back on that as well.  Try eating organic veggies and fruits, nuts, legumes, complex whole grains, and pasture raised, hormone free meats. Your entire body will benefit from that!


How do you know if your adrenals are fatigued? Here are a few symptoms:

Lower back pain and/or knee pain especially on the side
Dark circles under your eyes
A craving for salt or sweets
A feeling of being tired, yet wired
Chronic infections
Low blood sugar


You may also want to talk to a healthcare provider about supplementing your diet with B vitamins, Vitamin D, or herbs such as Ashwaganda, or L-Theanine which aid your body in dealing with stress. If you do feel like your suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, definitely talk to your doctor about it as it could adversely affect your thyroid too.

