Friday, September 18, 2009

Addison's Blog Alert, 9/18/2009

Addison's disease: two years post-diagnosis « Oikos mou
By Lauren

This time two years ago, I was in the harsh throes of undiagnosed, untreated Addison’s disease. I find it difficult to write about personal stress in my life, and Addison’s disease has stress as its epicenter. I find it even more difficult to write about my own church as a source of stress, but all relationships in one way or another come with stress, and a church presents a lot of relationships. These difficulties notwithstanding, I hope my account might be useful — validating, vindicating, or encouraging — for other people with Addison’s who have experienced, for whatever reasons in their own lives, overwhelming stress. The point is, each person must manage his stress where he encounters it.


Many people experience “anniversary stress” around the same time that a very stressful event occurred in a previous year. I suppose right now I’m experiencing anniversary stress over events and sensations that I experienced in the months before and following my diagnosis...

Read the rest at Oikos mou -