Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Symptoms And Treatment of Addison’s Disease

MaryO'Note:  I provide this article "as is" - I don't know about homeopathic remedies for serious diseases like this!  Always seek medical opinions before self-medicating.


The Symptoms And Treatment of Addison’s Disease

Dee Braun is the woman behind a non-profit project working to make a difference in our world by providing quality Natural Health & Healing information while raising awareness of important causes & initiatives at [1] United to make a difference – If not us, who?


Addison’s disease is an endocrine disorder that effects a very small percentage of the population. Only between one and four in 100,000 people are diagnosed with it. When the adrenal cortex does not produce enough hormones addison’s disease is likely present.


The symptoms show up much more clearly if someone is going through some type of trauma. Another event that will cause the symptoms of addison’s disease to surface is a period of metabolic stress.


When the adrenal glands cease to function normally a person can become extremely ill. The adrenal glands produce cortisol which is vitally important to the function of your body.


Without cortisol your body would have trouble regulating the metabolism of carbs, fat and protein. Cortisol is also responsible for helping the body respond to stress, keeping the blood sugar level normal and mobilizing nutrients.


Addison’s disease goes through three stages of symptom’s depending on how serious it is. At first sign of addison’s there might be loss of weight, pain in the abdomen, muscle weakness and dizziness when standing up. As addison’s becomes more serious the symptoms become more acute. During the middle stages of addison’s you might see dehydration, drop in blood pressure, end of menstruation, depression and darkening of the skin.


Addison’s is often not diagnosed early and makes itself known during an addisonian crisis. This is the final stage that the disease goes through and is critically dangerous. If you are having loss of consciousness, extreme blood pressure shifts, severe back pain, Abnormal heart rhythm, severe pain in the abdomen or kidney failure then you might be having an addisonian crisis. It goes without saying you need to be in the emergency room immediately.


Addison’s disease is not something that goes away or can be cured. If you are diagnosed with it you will have to go through therapy to replace your steroids for the rest of your life. Cortisol and aldosterone are chemicals your body must have to continue functioning.


A combination of homeopathic remedies and conventional medicine can help you lead a productive life, once again. Cortisone acetate tablets or hydrocortisone are used to replace the cortisol in your body. The aldosterone is replaced with a medication called fludrocortisone acetate tablets.


Some natural medicine’s that will help with your addison’s include: borago officinalis, eleutherococcus senticosis and astragalus membranaceous. All three of these support the adrenal glands and help to combat normal daily stress. Another helpful herb is ginger which is good for helping with your digestion and fighting against nausea.


Article Source: Health Reform