Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stand Up and Be Counted!

For all Cushies, diagnosed or not, friends and family - add your name  and whatever info you want to share to this map.  The directions are similar to those for AI, below.

Cushing's MemberMap

If you have Adrenal Insufficiency, a friend of mine from Adrenal Insufficiency United has a similar map.  Please add your info to her map, as well.

Adrenal Insufficiency Map

Directions for the AI map:

LET’S FIND EACH OTHER! (please read the instructions)

Use ONE MARKER PER PERSON WITH AI (to ensure an accurate representation do not add yourself as a parent or family member) However, If you have lost a loved one to AI, feel free to add them just indicate it in the description box.

After navigating to the map

CLICK “ADD” on top right of map

ENTRY NAME: Initials, first name, City...any of these are fine..or just leave it blank and it will say anonymous

LOCATION: if you don’t want your address known just “click on a map location”

I put my daughter in a park near our home :o) zoom in or out to find your location.

DESCRIPTION: Age of affected, or any other description you’d like

PHOTO: not required

MARKER Addison’s is the default so make sure you look at the whole list. If you have more than one condition which causes your or your childs’ AI, just pick the one you feel is the most relevant and then feel free to add the others in the Description box.

Please do not use ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY UNITED’S marker. Right now it’s for our main office, but we’ll add more locations/contacts in the future.


After you submit, write down the url link for future edits. Then click your marker, and then again click the BLUE initials, city, or anonymous...this will open up a more detailed window to add DOB and Diagnosis info plus anything else you like. Just remember if you put any personal email it will be able to be viewed by anyone.

If you mess up don’t fret, just contact me, as the admin of the map I can fix your entry.